mito’s blog


[Snyk][Terraform] Snykで実リソースとtfstateファイルの差分を検出してみた








  • Cloud9: t3.small
  • Snyk CLI: 1.992.0
  • Terraform: 1.2.8



$ snyk iac describe
IaC describe
  Note: This feature is available in Snyk CLI version v1.876.0 or greater.

  snyk iac describe [<OPTIONS>]

  The snyk iac describe command detects infrastructure drift and unmanaged resources. It compares
  resources in your Terraform state file against actual resources in your cloud provider and outputs
  a report.

  -  Resources in your Terraform state files are managed resources.
  -  Changes to managed resources not reflected in the Terraform state file are drifts.
  -  Resources that exist but are not in your Terraform state file are unmanaged resources.

  For detailed information and examples, see IaC describe command examples

  For a list of related commands see the snyk iac help; iac --help

Exit codes
  Possible exit codes and their meaning:

  0: success, no drift found
  1: drifts or unmanaged resources found
  2: failure

Required options
  Note: To use the describe command, you must use one of these options:

    Report resources not found in any Terraform states.

  --only-managed or --drift
    Scan managed resources found in Terraform states for changes.

    Scan both managed and unmanaged resources.


「IaC Coverage: 0%」が重要そうですね。

$ snyk iac describe --drift
Scanned states (1) 
Scan duration: 16s     
Provider version used to scan: 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to use another version.
Snyk Scanning Infrastructure As Code Discrepancies...

  Info:    Resources under IaC, but different to terraform states.
  Resolve: Reapply IaC resources or update into terraform.

Test Summary

  IaC Coverage: 0%
  Info: To reach full coverage, remove resources or move it to Terraform.

  Tip: Run --help to find out about commands and flags.
      Scanned with aws provider version 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to update.



provider "aws" {
    region        = "ap-northeast-1"

resource "aws_instance" "mito-ec2" {
    ami           = "ami-0f36dcfcc94112ea1"
    instance_type = "t2.micro"
    key_name      = "キー名"
    associate_public_ip_address = "true"
    vpc_security_group_ids = [
    tags = {
        Name      = "mito-ec2"

resource "aws_security_group" "mito_sg" {
  name            = "mito_sg"

  # インバウンド
  dynamic "ingress" {
    for_each      = [22, 80]

    content {
      from_port   = ingress.value
      to_port     = ingress.value
      protocol    = "tcp"
      cidr_blocks = [""]

  # アウトバウンド
  egress {
    from_port     = 0
    to_port       = 0
    protocol      = "-1"
    cidr_blocks   = [""]


Changed Resourcesが2となっているけど、まぁ今回は気にしない。
Ignore resourcesで、検出したくないリソースが指定できそうです。

$ snyk iac describe --drift
Scanned states (1) 
Scan duration: 14s     
Provider version used to scan: 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to use another version.
Snyk Scanning Infrastructure As Code Discrepancies...

  Info:    Resources under IaC, but different to terraform states.
  Resolve: Reapply IaC resources or update into terraform.

Changed resources: 2

State: Generated [ Changed Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_ebs_volume
    ID: vol-056e51aa5a6148297
    + timeouts: null => {}

State: tfstate://terraform.tfstate [ Changed Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_instance
    ID: i-0683a97d236667e6f
    ~ arn: arn:aws:ec2:ap-northeast-1:xxxx:instance/i-0683a97d236667e6f => arn:aws:ec2:ap-northeast-1::instance/i-0683a97d236667e6f
    - user_data_replace_on_change: false

Test Summary

  Managed Resources: 3
  Changed Resources: 2

  IaC Coverage: 100%
  Info: To reach full coverage, remove resources or move it to Terraform.

  Tip: Run --help to find out about commands and flags.
      Scanned with aws provider version 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to update.



$ snyk iac describe --drift
Scanned states (1) 
Scan duration: 7s      
Provider version used to scan: 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to use another version.
Snyk Scanning Infrastructure As Code Discrepancies...

  Info:    Resources under IaC, but different to terraform states.
  Resolve: Reapply IaC resources or update into terraform.

Changed resources: 2

State: Generated [ Changed Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_ebs_volume
    ID: vol-056e51aa5a6148297
    + timeouts: null => {}

State: tfstate://terraform.tfstate [ Changed Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_instance
    ID: i-0683a97d236667e6f
    ~ arn: arn:aws:ec2:ap-northeast-1:xxxx:instance/i-0683a97d236667e6f => arn:aws:ec2:ap-northeast-1::instance/i-0683a97d236667e6f
    ~ public_dns: =>
    ~ public_ip: =>
    - user_data_replace_on_change: false

Test Summary

  Managed Resources: 3
  Changed Resources: 2

  IaC Coverage: 100%
  Info: To reach full coverage, remove resources or move it to Terraform.

  Tip: Run --help to find out about commands and flags.
      Scanned with aws provider version 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to update.



$ snyk iac describe --drift
Scanned states (1) 
Scan duration: 7s      
Provider version used to scan: 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to use another version.
Snyk Scanning Infrastructure As Code Discrepancies...

  Info:    Resources under IaC, but different to terraform states.
  Resolve: Reapply IaC resources or update into terraform.

Changed resources: 2

State: Generated [ Changed Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_ebs_volume
    ID: vol-056e51aa5a6148297
    + timeouts: null => {}

State: tfstate://terraform.tfstate [ Changed Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_instance
    ID: i-0683a97d236667e6f
    ~ arn: arn:aws:ec2:ap-northeast-1:xxxx:instance/i-0683a97d236667e6f => arn:aws:ec2:ap-northeast-1::instance/i-0683a97d236667e6f
    ~ public_dns: =>
    ~ public_ip: =>
    - user_data_replace_on_change: false

Test Summary

  Managed Resources: 3
  Changed Resources: 2

  IaC Coverage: 100%
  Info: To reach full coverage, remove resources or move it to Terraform.

  Tip: Run --help to find out about commands and flags.
      Scanned with aws provider version 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to update.


結果、Missing Resourceとaws_instanceは、Missing Resourcesとして検出されました。 残ったManaged ResourcesはSGのようです。

$ snyk iac describe --drift
Scanned states (1) 
Scan duration: 8s      
Provider version used to scan: 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to use another version.
Snyk Scanning Infrastructure As Code Discrepancies...

  Info:    Resources under IaC, but different to terraform states.
  Resolve: Reapply IaC resources or update into terraform.

Missing resources: 2

State: Generated [ Missing Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_ebs_volume
    ID: vol-056e51aa5a6148297

State: tfstate://terraform.tfstate [ Missing Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_instance
    ID: i-0683a97d236667e6f

Test Summary

  Managed Resources: 1
  Missing Resources: 2

  IaC Coverage: 33%
  Info: To reach full coverage, remove resources or move it to Terraform.

  Tip: Run --help to find out about commands and flags.
      Scanned with aws provider version 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to update.



$ snyk iac describe --json --drift
Scanned states (1) 
Scan duration: 7s      
Provider version used to scan: 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to use another version.
        "options": {
                "deep": true,
                "only_managed": true,
                "only_unmanaged": false
        "summary": {
                "total_resources": 3,
                "total_changed": 2,
                "total_unmanaged": 0,
                "total_missing": 0,
                "total_managed": 3,
                "total_iac_source_count": 1
        "managed": [
                        "id": "vol-02205209f17fcac8b",
                        "type": "aws_ebs_volume"
                        "id": "i-01b5dbaa8fadcd935",
                        "type": "aws_instance",
                        "human_readable_attributes": {
                                "Name": "mito-ec2"
                        "source": {
                                "source": "tfstate://terraform.tfstate",
                                "namespace": "",
                                "internal_name": "mito-ec2"
                        "id": "sg-0354feb133037f2f0",
                        "type": "aws_security_group",
                        "source": {
                                "source": "tfstate://terraform.tfstate",
                                "namespace": "",
                                "internal_name": "mito_sg"
        "unmanaged": null,
        "missing": null,
        "differences": [
                        "res": {
                                "id": "vol-02205209f17fcac8b",
                                "type": "aws_ebs_volume"
                        "changelog": [
                                        "type": "create",
                                        "path": [
                                        "from": null,
                                        "to": {},
                                        "computed": false
                        "res": {
                                "id": "i-01b5dbaa8fadcd935",
                                "type": "aws_instance",
                                "human_readable_attributes": {
                                        "Name": "mito-ec2"
                                "source": {
                                        "source": "tfstate://terraform.tfstate",
                                        "namespace": "",
                                        "internal_name": "mito-ec2"
                        "changelog": [
                                        "type": "update",
                                        "path": [
                                        "from": "arn:aws:ec2:ap-northeast-1:xxxx:instance/i-01b5dbaa8fadcd935",
                                        "to": "arn:aws:ec2:ap-northeast-1::instance/i-01b5dbaa8fadcd935",
                                        "computed": true
                                        "type": "update",
                                        "path": [
                                        "from": "",
                                        "to": "",
                                        "computed": true
                                        "type": "update",
                                        "path": [
                                        "from": "",
                                        "to": "",
                                        "computed": true
                                        "type": "delete",
                                        "path": [
                                        "from": false,
                                        "to": null,
                                        "computed": false
        "coverage": 100,
        "alerts": {
                "": [
                                "message": "You have unmanaged security group rules that could be false positives, find out more at"
                                "message": "You have diffs on computed fields, check the documentation for potential false positive drifts:"
        "provider_name": "aws",
        "provider_version": "4.28.0",
        "scan_duration": 7,
        "date": "2022-08-29T08:11:36.782188621Z"



$ snyk iac describe --all
Scanned states (1) 
Scan duration: 11s     
Provider version used to scan: 4.28.0. Use --tf-provider-version to use another version.
Snyk Scanning Infrastructure As Code Discrepancies...

  Info:    Resources under IaC, but different to terraform states.
  Resolve: Reapply IaC resources or update into terraform.

Changed resources: 2

State: Generated [ Changed Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_ebs_volume
    ID: vol-02205209f17fcac8b
    + timeouts: null => {}

State: tfstate://terraform.tfstate [ Changed Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_instance
    ID: i-01b5dbaa8fadcd935
    ~ arn: arn:aws:ec2:ap-northeast-1:xxxx:instance/i-01b5dbaa8fadcd935 => arn:aws:ec2:ap-northeast-1::instance/i-01b5dbaa8fadcd935
    ~ public_dns: =>
    ~ public_ip: =>
    - user_data_replace_on_change: false

Unmanaged resources: 71

Service: Unidentified [ Unmanaged Resources: 8 ]

  Resource Type: aws_cloudformation_stack
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_iam_group
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_iam_group_policy
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_network_acl_rule
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block
    ID: xxxx

Service: aws_ec2 [ Unmanaged Resources: 13 ]

  Resource Type: aws_ebs_snapshot
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_ebs_volume
    ID: xxxx
  Resource Type: aws_eip
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_eip_association
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_instance
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_key_pair
    ID: xxxx

Service: aws_iam [ Unmanaged Resources: 26 ]

  Resource Type: aws_iam_access_key
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_iam_policy
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_iam_policy_attachment
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_iam_role
    ID: AWSCloud9SSMAccessRole

  Resource Type: aws_iam_role_policy
    ID: xxxx

  Resource Type: aws_iam_user
    ID: xxxx

Service: aws_route53 [ Unmanaged Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_route53_zone
    ID: xxxxx

Service: aws_s3 [ Unmanaged Resources: 1 ]

  Resource Type: aws_s3_bucket
    ID: cf-templates-xxxx-ap-northeast-1

Service: aws_vpc [ Unmanaged Resources: 22 ]

  Resource Type: aws_security_group
    ID: sg-xxxxx

  Resource Type: aws_security_group_rule
    ID: sgrule-xxxx

Test Summary

  Managed Resources: 3
  Changed Resources: 2
  Unmanaged Resources: 71

  IaC Coverage: 4%
  Info: To reach full coverage, remove resources or move it to Terraform.

  Tip: Run --help to find out about commands and flags.
      Scanned with aws p


Snyk IaCでTerraformのドリフト検出をやってみた | DevelopersIO